After high school I dove head-first into the touring Rock band circuit with my |
band, The Semester. |
Throughout school I never had any intentions to attend college. |
All I wanted to do was get on a stage and travel the world. |
The band I was in was going to make it to the top. |
I was with my best friends, and nothing could hold us back. |
That is, until I got kicked out of the band. |
One phone call is all it took to completely flip my entire world upside down. |
I was crushed. |
This band was everything to me and I had no idea what I was going to do next. |
Little did I know, this was a stepping stone to greater achievements. |
Around the same time, another band in town called Four Letter Lie was looking |
for a new drummer. |
I joined the band and within a matter of months, we were signed by Victory |
Records and were touring full time with bands like Captain Heavy rotation on my |
stereo. |
After a couple of really great years with Four Letter Lie, I felt it was time |
to enter the next step of my musical expedition. |
I wanted to be speaking with more than my hands and feet, so I decided to step |
to the front of the stage and let my voice and ideas be heard. |
Four Letter Lie was doing very well, but I knew deep down I wanted something |
else. |
I had to leave a state of comfort for what I believed in, and that’s what my |
new music was going to represent. |
The very next day I started MOD SUN. |
The name MOD SUN is an acronym for Movement On Dreams, Stand Under None. |
I was going to make empowering music about positively and happiness. |
I was now a front man holding the microphone and writing the lyrics. |
I was no longer Derek Smith per se, I was now MOD SUN. |
In the summer of 2009 my good friends Scary Kids Scaring Kids came to town as |
part of Vans Warped Tour. |
I went to the festival and witnessed them putting on an amazing show in front |
of thousands of fans screaming out every lyric. |
I was blown away at how adoring their supporters were. |
Afterwards, in their bus singer Tyson Stevens asked me: «Do you have a job right now?"I replied with a huge grin on my face. «Well, not exactly». |
He said, «why don’t you come on the rest of this tour with us?"Now, |
keep in mind at this point I had just begun working on my new music as MOD SUN |
and knew I needed to focus on it and start to build. |
But, I had also just watched the movie Yes Man a few days earlier. |
I loved the movie so much, I vowed to say yes to every opportunity for a month |
straight. |
So, true to my word, I looked my friend Tyson right in the eyes and said; «Let's go!"I literally jumped on the bus right then and there with no luggage |
and headed to the next city. |
This decision would prove to be an extremely significant turning point in my |
life. |
The first concert I ever attended was Vans Warped Tour 2001 with Blink182, |
Newfound Glory, Sum 41, Alkaline Trio, Alien Antfarm, and many more. |
The moment I crossed those front gates and entered this micro world of |
creativity and individuality, I knew what I wanted to do. |
I looked at that stage and decided: no matter what it takes, I would be up |
there some day. |
Now, here I was travelling along with the festival. |
That first night on the bus, I played the very first songs I recorded as Mod |
Sun to the Scary Kids Scaring Kids guys. |
And they loved them. |
I was so enthused just to hear opinions, but the fact they were so positive |
about my own music really blew me away. |
Every day the band would do a meet and greet with hundreds of kids and they |
immediately mentioned the possibility of me rapping to these people in line |
waiting to get an autograph. |
The guys pulled a few strings and before you knew it, I was doing my very first |
performances as Mod |
Sun, on the one tour I had always dreamed of being on. |
Of course, this wasn’t an official set, but it was definitely as step in the |
right direction and I knew I’d be there soon enough. |
I finished up the rest of the summer with them on the festival making nothing |
but memories. |
I formed many great friendships and even reignited the friendship between Pat |
Brown and myself. |
We had somewhat of a falling out after I was kicked out of The Semester. |
He was now on tour with his new band called Sing It Loud and doing very well. |
Not long after Warped Tour ended, the boys in Scary Kids Scaring Kids contacted |
me with one more opportunity. |
They needed a drummer to play for them on their 2 final tours. |
The first was a 65 day tour hitting every major city in North America. |
The second was a 30 day tour in Australia and New Zealand. |
I agreed on one condition: That I got to open up each show as Mod |
Sun. |
They agreed and within a matter of weeks I re entered the touring circuit, |
but this time as a solo artist playing sold out shows around the world. |
From this point on, my career would continue to grow and eventually blossom |
into what I am today. |
If my world hadn’t been flipped into utter chaos so many years back, |
I wouldn’t be here. |
Every struggle leads to greatness. |
There’s no such thing as hard. |
Chapter 7- Your Best Mistake: Wake up a student, go to sleep a teacher |
One of my favourite stories in history involves the legendary inventor Thomas |
Edison. |
We’re all familiar with the name, but not many people know just how |
inspirational his life was. |
Around the age of 12, young Thomas noticed his hearing was deteriorating. |
Soon he would eventually go deaf. |
Instead of letting such a drastic change affect him in a negative way, |
he considered it to be an asset. |
It allowed him, he said, to work with less distraction and to sleep deeply at |
night, un disturbed by outside sounds. |
How’s that for a bright side, right? |
One major misconception is that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. |
What Edison actually invented was the long lasting lightbulb. |
The original lightbulb was very impractical. |
It wasn’t bright enough, and would burn out daily. |
Edison had a passion to fix that. |
For years, he made many attempts at finding a solution for the bulb, |
but just couldn’t figure it out. |
A majority of these attempts were highly publicised, and people began losing |
faith in his ability to solve the problem. |
During an interview, Edison was asked if he felt like a failure. «Young man,"he replied, «why would I feel like a failure? |
And why would I ever give up? |
I know now definitively over 9000 ways that an electric lightbulb will not work. |
Success is almost in my grasp."Eventually, on his 10, 000th attempt, |
Edison invented one of the most vital objects in our world. |
Every slip up, malfunction, or accident he made was used as a valuable piece of |
knowledge. |
Your worst mistake is your best advice. |
The more mistakes you make only means the more guidance you have to offer. |
You should embrace this mishaps with an understanding that you are learning |
from them. |
You now know how not to do something, and that is just as valuable as knowing |
how to do something. |
This is where rout universal IQ begins to rise. |
Intelligence isn’t intended to be personal acclimation. |
It’s meant to be shared. |
We all enter this world as a blank page. |
Throughout our lives we fill our pages with information that we find personally |
stimulating. |
Knowing something someone else doesn’t know will not make you more intelligent |
than the next person. |
This only means you’ve been asked a question the other person hasn’t yet |
encountered. |
The first time we hear about anything, we know nothing about it. |
Therefore, no one is superior to anyone else, but we can all learn from each |
other. |
If you’re not trying to teach, you haven’t learned a thing. |
In a song of mine called Hug Life, I wrote: «you can never learn if you’re |
always right. |
Remember that next time you’re in a fight. |
Instead of planning out your comeback, let their point of view be inside.» |
For a good portion of my life, I thought I was always right. |
I would argue until I felt my point outweighed the opposition, and in the end |
if it didn’t, I would storm out of the room. |
I didn’t know it at the time, but when I acted out in this way, my outlook and |
ideas became less valid to the people around me. |
I would end up pushing away the people I enjoyed communicating with. |
Finally, I decided to make an attitude modification. |
The very next day I went on to just listen to others speak. |
There’s a serious difference between hearing and listening. |
Someone who hears you it thinking about his or her reply while you’re still |
speaking. |
Nothing you say is actually digested as food for thought. |
Whereas someone who listens will turn the voice in his or her head off while |
you’re speaking. |
There is a reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth. |
Listen more than talk. |
Once we start really listening, the words we say become much more powerful. |
What comes out of your mouth will determine the rise of demise of your |
intention. |
The people that surround you are either working for you, or against you, |
and how you interact with these individuals will be the deciding factor. |
Chapter 8- Peer Pressure: Building the army |
How many times have you heard someone say: «Fuck what people think!"If you’re anything like me, it’s a theme that |
surrounded your entire high school career. |
In those days, all I wanted to do was stand out. |
My hair went through so many cuts and dyes, it’s a surprise I still have so |
much of it. |
I wore scarves, band tees, and tight jeans, and instead of a backpack, |
I carried a briefcase. |
I listened to music that no one heard of, and that’s the way I liked it. |
I learned early on that the outsiders of the school were usually the most |
interesting to me, so that’s what I became. |
The previous friendships I made through sports would remain, making me somewhat |
of an insider on the outside. |
Looking back, I never really showed my true identity to any of my high school |
peers. |
I was trying so hard to find myself that I got lost along the way. |
When I hung with my skateboard and music clique, I tried to hide the athlete in |
me, and when I was with my sports clique, I hid the artist in me. |
I lived in a constant state of transformation with no destination. |
I wasn’t being true to myself, which contaminated my intentions. |
So many people think that finding yourself is narrowing down to one specific |
answer. |
There is no limit on how many you’s you can find within. |
I finally accepted the array of different people I was and became an individual. |
From that day on, I was able to communicate with others like never before. |
Now that I was confident and proud of whom I was, I could share my story and |
earn a spot in people’s minds. |
Every positive thought is a brick in the foundation of our lives. |
No one can take away any of the bricks we’ve laid down, but others can help us |
build the foundation. |