Текст пісні The end of Their World Part II - Akhenaton, Napoleon Da Legend

The end of Their World Part II - Akhenaton, Napoleon Da Legend
Інформація про пісню На цій сторінці ви можете ознайомитися з текстом пісні The end of Their World Part II, виконавця - Akhenaton.
Дата випуску: 08.04.2021

The end of Their World Part II

The irony of life is such, at the same moment
I let the ink flow started writing this here poem
Would have love for her to hear it
Not even an hour past, my mother’s body disconnected with her spirit
Few tears started soaking up my t shirt
Seen the face god I seen dove then it got blurred
My mother gave her life to others, others lived for themselves
And left her some baggage full of suffering
Her managers and other high ranking officials
Together plotted to sabotage her militancy
Sat her in an open cell for a year and a half
Where metal shrapnel would rain through an innocent breeze
And while they gave themselves a golden parachute
Mom got sick at age 50, she has to bear the news
Left me with a few words as a legacy
I carry on the battlefield, on a war with destiny
In this economy we flaunt and we justify
The forest weeps even animals pick up the vibes
Staring at a screen fronting like we want to save the planet
And cry when a few bucks out of our Paycheck vanish
While they poisoning the air, 500,000 dead
As if Covid’s the only sole culprit, that being said
What’s happening’s not a surprise it’s very logical
The consequence of this economy is ecological
And I still want to believe that’s there’s higher power
While my belief in the human kind is rather sour
And that’s to say, we only get what we deserve
And when the tundra disappeared new viruses will emerge
When I was born I was crying, I wasn’t laughing
Perhaps I knew that I was thrust within a huge disaster
A sacrifice at the altar of this human folly
Insects we crush do more for us in this melancholy
This capitalistic system will exist
Only if everybody at the table getting fed
In 2020 it’s Judas who got his fix
Ate all the bread still Jesus let him live
While we protest multi-national supermarket chains
50 years ago, we people let them win the game
Lower prices, more processed food, cheaper brands
How we know to trust em when they slap organic on the stamp
We all responsible for this current circumstance
We vote and manifest, we hate what we see happening
Rallies full of hate waiting for the perfect catalyst
But the revolution will be tied to our consumption
In America, health and prevention’s almost a great sin
Which means the patient and the client are the same thing
Proper nutrition that medicine is less expensive
But Medicare’ll do you better when the cancer festers
Had many back and forth’s with some arrogant physicians
Walking thru corridors of hospitals in poor conditions
In which, so many of us suffered the worst trauma
In these sad places where humanity is non-grata
The health systems are fragmented
You got good nurses and doctors on the one side
But on the other side big pharma is outsized
Like a Cartel in the Mexico, the scheme is organized crime
Promoting breakthroughs a mascot on steroids
Who refuses to die numbing his pain with some opioids
A dealer, rocking a pharmacist apron
Who sells us snake oil in a lab down in Dayton
And at the end of the day only intentions matter
Reality will always catch up to the reckless chatter
Solutions easy to find it’s not a secret
Thinking about our youth, damn we in some deep shit
Consented to this carnival mapped on the long-term
Costume party the youth are masked with the Mossberg
A shipwreck where it’s survival of fittest
A perpetual revisit of 2009 misses
Platforms where you see doctors become the journalists
Alarmist journalists become doctors we watch it burn again
We cancel, judge and crucify but it depends who
Those who own the channel choose who put they put the lens to
And it’s hard to form alliances and get to people buy in
While some, looking for buzz while others is doing science
And I never thought I’d see the day
Where great professors get scolded on by TV personalities who talk all day
Where the last in class considers himself a genius
Much like a terrorist the same DNA sequence
The YouTube and the TV channel resident
Singing off tune, American Idol of medicine
Spewing agendas off a script with mad confidence
Pushing for measures bringing catastrophic consequence
And the worst that’s yet to come won’t even be a virus
These «tools» will all be stuck when comes the next crisis
All I can do is laugh at these godless fearmongers
The fear death became their church within their subconscious
Could a simple vaccine bring solidarity?
Nah, the world’s gluttonous with a big lack of parity
Under the guise of protecting the elders
Billions being made on the deadliest weapons
Stats replacing words by technocratic nerds
Numbers ratios leading this undemocratic world
When they don’t like the numbers, they get thrown in a trash
Hidden truths, hidden behind these letters they use to mask
But who’s held accountable? And where’s the transparency
We get it, your type plays by different rules apparently
Pain killers other legal drugs in all our cabinets
And when we mention natural remedies they start bashing us
Our city’s subjected to the laws of the Dirty Dozens
I turn the News on and all I see is bunch of suckers
Playing with human emotions and taking them for hostage
Pumped us with fear, rational thought’s lost in the process
Leaving a welcome sign for fascism to enter
Popping pills to numb ourselves for the dark winter
Mister congressman our hands cannot stop the flow of sand
Why so many houseless in the cold, make us overstand
Conspiracies inspired by conspirators
Who conspire turn around and blame conspiracy theorist
Throughout history all we’ve seen is war and rifts
So don’t try to tell me plots don’t exist
Kicks to the gut, schemes for the wicked
Gentlemen dressed in nice suits, we call it business
Lies and weapons of mass distraction
Millions are dead, while the consent is manufactured
Selling war as noble cause you know the cost is death
Avery time they lower oil cost
Fighting war on drugs, «down» with the communists
But really they used drug money to kill the communists
While crack cocaine was tearing up the hood
Seen it in the 80's they were scheming on us good
During the month of March, they gave us their analysis
The economy can tank we gotta salvage it
And just about a half a million deaths later
Fake news, real news who got the correct data?
Red Alert! Red Alert!
Nobody move and nobody get hurt
Panic buying toilet paper in the bunker
Running a Milgram experiment on Archie Bunker
So many lies peddled, people believe in nothing
Disconnected from it all, rather make up something
And yes, fear and paranoia can make you an addict
Cause and effects, got u doing pseudo-mathematics
Hope is thin, in this divisive atmosphere
Too much smoke, blown up our ass, for the path to clear
And if you got time, to post a million hateful comments
Can you keep the plight of the less fortunate in your conscious
You don’t want them here right, the earth is bigger
Drunk driving with your mask on and a hurt liver
And as you wear your mask, you also wear it on your sleeve
Same way, you’ll change your mind depending on the wind speed
But don’t worry jack, got my finger on the pulse
Gather the sheep and the pork, I’m a hit em off
And if the number of deaths, that you wanna stop
One percent of the armament budget will make it drop
Every year, 8 or 9 million lives can saved
But providing clean water’s been a failure
While these dummies playing, way too busy brandishing their gun
While they selling jet fighters to Saudi Arabia
We playing with fireworks during these deadly times
Life and death, decided by arbitrary line
Life is not black and white just a happy chaos
We celebrate until death comes to end the séance
During this pandem (ic), they pitting them against them
How many dead, waiting for a cure against death
Can read the hypocrisy on their face?
When you bury the ones you hate, just so you can save face
And so it seems that many seem to forget
That we’re not bunch of computer you can fix when you sick
Speculative bubbles and economic growth
Gave us a sense of invincibility deep inside our soul
When it hits the fan, they say artist is non-essential
When we hit a rough patch, as if music isn’t helpful?
Yet you use our names when it’s time to raise some funds
When times are bad, you drop us like we weight a ton
But nothing new under the sun my young gunner
In this country a real job is one that makes you suffer
From a sinking ship, we film the one drowns
And turn around and act like a modern day Malcom now
20 years ago, these bright marketers killed the music
Privatized the hospitals guess who’s the biggest loser
The way I see unity is way gone
Obama, Bush, the Clintons and the Trumps sang the same song
Our daughters can’t breathe, our sons can’t breathe
Their future walking on tight rope without a plan B
Can see the world of tomorrow, written on their faces
We judge them and categorize them, it makes me anxious
Between clichés of terror and homages
Soon to be washed up by a tsunami of broken promise
America on paper’s full of inspiring pablum
When the real America’s really a war factory
No talk of reparations ghetto still segregated
We know the numbers like Lauryn got us miseducated
Corrupt police culture and bunch of corrupt officials
Ready to screw our future up, to move up a little
Stuck in a juvenile wrestling match
As if you had to crush or hurt people to get your message passed
I’m not impressed, and there’s those who think on the left
Cause they sitting at the bar drinking with couple blacks
You might think you know a few, but you don’t know their fight
Hard to picture life in basement from the 8th flight
Until the night you get in a scuffle and catch a right
That’s when you went from being left to the extreme right
And I try not to judge cause anyone can change
Not a child of violence, I rather the peace reign
We pay our taxes whether wins or loses
So we still as American as these folks that be burning crosses
And you can write about your epigenetics
Trying to cope against the times changing that’s just pathetic
Pointing fingers at Africa when you speak of corruption
When nepotism’s all we see in this banana republic
You think we equal? Lies, brothers and sisters? Lies
Are you listening? Nah do you respect us?
Put in perpetual second class to keep you balanced
The «American Dream» sold to the biggest addicts
Alt-right reactionary, liberal anarchist
Inventing words, what the hell’s a right wing populist
Plutocrats for bureaucrats, eco-anarcho fascists
Killing each other at the bottom while they get mad rich
Deforestation, exporting manufacturing jobs
To keep the Dow Jones popping lives get sabotaged
Slave labor, overseas and corporate takeovers
Mansions in America and Africa’s the lay over
Migrants in overcrowded boats, don’t nobody care
We ransacked their land for them to die there
We sign contracts then we swindle out of them
Amen, you out of luck If u live in Yemen
More bombs, drone fighters is the avatar
How many kids die, politicians don’t say Allah-u-Akbar
Look at Vietnam, look at Cambodia
Kissinger was never judged they put him on a podium
You can round up 400,000 innocent lives
And get the Nobel Peace prize for killing them
Easy to study the theory and codes of their religion
This ain’t the definition of war, this is terrorism
Articulating these ideas became complicated
Especially, when emotions get implicated
And tomorrow we’ll cry tears for the present day
Just for us to come, right back to where we are today
Thinking back at Kyle Rittenhouse
Or that driver back in Nice who ran over a crowd
It’s the same anger, same madness behind the iris
They’ll say one is depressed, the other is part of ISIS
It’s the culture they be promoted that’s the real problem
You can gotta make them talk about you to become somebody
To represent a cause, no longer be anonymous
Where shocking news is the favorite drug of the audience
Where we post on Facebook and we tweet our moods
Showing the best parts and highlights, we pick and choose
Picture perfect life, mad exotic places
Perfect relationship photoshop machinations
And when that break-ups happen it’s «F» everything
Fishing for more likes as a medicine
And when depression and hate, meet at the altar
It’s a deadly date with the grim reaper as a stalker
It’s nothing deep, there’s really no rhyme or reason
Only a fire that’s exposed during the hottest season
Looking for meaning so we roam, life can be lonely, nobody wanna die alone
I think about it but can’t find the solution
Self centered punks out to brunch living an illusion
With some delusions of grandeur looking for some answers
On TV inspired by life of dead gangsters
You got the Proud and the Boogaloo Boys
Who feel entitled to a land, that was stolen from natives
Calling the BLM protestors a bunch of hooligans
Cops were killed during the storm, who u trying to fool again?
Certain medias trying to down play it
And when we saw the cops kill Floyd they tried to blame him
Dog whistling, we tired of the double-talk
Seeing pundits do linguistical somersaults
Hard to express myself in 140 characters
So I do it here love love, that’s how I’m sharing it
In an era where extreme discourse became banal
The bully pulpit throwing tomatoes at the crowd
Since 9−11 seems more souls are close minded
If you got a different belief they wanna close line it
They know my background so every time’s somebody’s killed
They wanna know my opinion as if I bore the guilt
Same excrement, different toilet
Joseph Kony still killing it’s so disappointing
Little by little, they peg us as the enemy
To low information voters who we might never see
But when we win big, the skin color vanishes
Look how we celebrate sports after a championship
Tired of rapping bout the same problems for 20 years
It’s easy to the sell the world as black and white and be millionaire
Wanna be rich? Deny the history, that’s the grift
What a masterful denial with an asterisk
Let’s be afraid to be in public and protect our hearts
Manipulated by our fears thus keeping us apart
That’s what a terrorist wants right? To keep us scared
I guess so far they won, cause we already there
You hear the way they talk they despise the underclass
School curriculums white washed with bunch of crap
Michael Brown, Rodney king to Michel Zecler
But they love you if you Stefan Curry or Clyde drexler
But if you ain’t around those neighborhoods you’d never know
How many friends I had to bury, can never let it go
Way Too young to die, victims of senseless killing
No peace, it’s life or death in certain US cities
And it’s hard to comprehend if you ain’t lived that
To be harassed for what you look like where you live at
A world destroyed by folks who got nothing to lose
Inflicting pain on the innocent cause they make the rule
It breeds anger, homegrown terrorist
Who shoot up schools under some fictitious narrative
Discriminated at school and when u look for jobs
Every field even housing, you have to fight the odds
And then the youth start to believe it they feel ostracized
Another generation at the margin pauperized
Flip side, so in love with so called excellence
Of these white collars ass crooks that they be selling us
Get paid, only dollars are here to worship
They don’t wanna read about Kwame Ture they rather floss and
Cause all the words, they steal them and flip em
They weaponize them and they use them on the victims
And the intolerant deemed as culture warriors
Acting like they the Victims, they the ones that been victorious
A society where only themselves considered righteous
And any other culture gets treated like a virus
Imbecilic debates I don’t wanna partake
Hate speech can never enter into god space
They try to make choose sides either good or bad
Am I «Charlie» or not I’m just me and that makes them mad
Picture a convalescent shooting up a hospital
Nowadays critical thought seems impossible
Living life with death, omnipresent in your subconscious
Inundated with negative thoughts, that you gotta process
Been in a major crisis ever since my day of birth
The elders tell me it’s been like this since they been on earth
Compassion packed her bags and she left the block
Leaving a nation afraid boiling in the melting pot
And when the drama hits, people want a scapegoat
All this time, the elected leaders had a say so
Treated like bonobos bottom of the totem pole
We free, but it’s when you free that you more vulnerable
Imagine if I just lose it and start to wild out
And they kill me as my weapon starts to shout out
I know it’s sad they would make me out as a pariah
And say I was radicalized five minutes prior
We take note, we accept it and shut our mouths
While the police force repress and control the crowd
Our people suffering, crying out without a cent
And it’s society that suffers 100 percent
This ain’t working, we need something that works better
We can’t relate these politicians don’t bring us together
Our lives are like fireworks on January first
We didn’t cause the mess, they want us to clean the dirt
It’s war against this and war against that
But war is when the bombs blow and wigs get capped
Ask the elders who survived the Nazi regime
Go to Syria or Yemen ask them what they see
On all subjects, security and the economy
The MAGA’s will try to say thing were better back in slavery
Goes back to the clash of civilizations
Greed and violence and effects of globalization
The money crosses borders information crosses borders
Narcotic crosses borders, and oil crosses borders
And money never travels alone
So it’s no surprise bloodshed and sorrow also crosses borders
Maybe since Eisenhower is when we held the leach
Our country decided to be the world police
Like a dead beat dad, the land we live in
Is it too much to ask for Uncle Sam to love his children?
Land of the migrants, land of opportunity
Stolen from the native decimated their communities
How many got lynched? How many tears poured?
How many moms screaming «dear lord!»?
And I still stand for peace
Even though it seems technology wants us to beef
In ten years we experienced a century’s worth
Mad loss our entire value system is hurt
Different generations speaking different dialects
Imagine 30 years ago if they had internet
We can debate about it, it’s an accelerator
Members in white supremist groups would be a lot greater
Politicians let them fester and grow
Better or worst, all they care about is getting a vote
Some lives matter, other lives not much
Little to no punishment after the Capitol rush
While the indigenous are silenced while pipelines laid
Pretty little speech, Wall Street gets paid
Minerals in Congo who cares? Those are negros
The shareholder’s appetite’s larger than Debo’s
While reality shows sucking on our brain cells
Metal hard headed hearts encased in the same shell
Instagram and Facebook gassing up our ego
Priming you for brainwash by fascistic ethos
Is the world much worse? I doubt it
But it’s on repeat! In the background while we browsing
And it marinates inside our soul for days
And the echos of anxiety run deep inside our brain
Watching documentaries feeling blue, but if I’m honest I
Rather just watch some animals, cause I can feel the god inside em
And If I die it’s with a loving heart my friends
I’m still here Waiting for their world to end

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Тексти пісень виконавця: Akhenaton
Тексти пісень виконавця: Napoleon Da Legend